The Vaessen Creative corner & notch punch allows you to round off corners and create notches. The corner punch is an ideal tool for making envelopes. You can make your own envelopes using sturdy cardstock or design paper, a creasing pen, ruler and glue or tape and, of course, the punch itself. If you want to make things even easier, use the corner & notch punch in combination with a scoring board or an envelope maker. The advantage of a scoring board is that it is easier to trace straight lines, and an envelope maker means you always have the right measurements and essentials at hand.
The Vaessen Creative corner & notch punch allows you to round off corners and create notches. The corner punch is an ideal tool for making envelopes. You can make your own envelopes using sturdy cardstock or design paper, a creasing pen, ruler and glue or tape and, of course, the punch itself. If you want to make things even easier, use the corner & notch punch in combination with a scoring board or an envelope maker. The advantage of a scoring board is that it is easier to trace straight lines, and an envelope maker means you always have the right measurements and essentials at hand.
Use a square piece of paper as the base for each envelope; for an A6-size card, this would be a 20 x 20 cm sheet. Measure and trace lines using a creasing pen for crisp folds and then neatly finish off the envelope using the punch. Make envelopes for Christmas cards, birthday cards, baby announcement cards, invitations and more. Adding that special touch to your card with a homemade envelope is always a great idea.